Strings are created by wrapping the text with double quotes. Double-quoted strings can evalute variables and special characters.
$myString = "Some basic text"
$mySecondString = "String with a $variable"
To use a double quote inside a string it needs to be escaped using the escape character, backtick (`
). Single quotes can be used inside a double-quoted string.
$myString = "A `"double quoted`" string which also has 'single quotes'."
Literal strings are strings that doesn't evaluate variables and special characters. It's created using single quotes.
$myLiteralString = 'Simple text including special characters (`n) and a $variable-reference'
To use single quotes inside a literal string, use double single quotes or a literal here-string. Double qutoes can be used safely inside a literal string
$myLiteralString = 'Simple string with ''single quotes'' and "double quotes".'