OPENJSON function parses JSON text and returns multiple outputs. Values that should be returned are specified using the paths defined in the WITH clause. If a path is not specified for some column, the column name is used as a path. This function casts returned values to the SQL types defined in the WITH clause. AS JSON option must be specified in the column definition if some object/array should be returned.
DECLARE @json NVARCHAR(100) = '{"id": 1, "user":{"name":"John"}, "skills":["C#","SQL"]}'
WITH(Id int '$.id',
Name nvarchar(100) '$',
UserObject nvarchar(max) '$.user' AS JSON,
Skills nvarchar(max) '$.skills' AS JSON,
Skill0 nvarchar(20) '$.skills[0]')
Id | Name | UserObject | Skills | Skill0 |
1 | John | {"name":"John"} | ["C#","SQL"] | C# |