Tutorial by Topics

All composite types other than arrays can have discriminants, which are components with special properties. Discriminants can be of a discrete type or an access type. In the latter case the access type can be a named access type or it can be anonymous. A discriminant of an anonymous access type is c...
QLabel is used for displaying text or an image. No user interaction functionality is provided. The visual appearance of the label can be configured in various ways, and it can be used for specifying a focus mnemonic key for another widget. A QLabel object acts as a placeholder to display non-e...
A more versatile alternative to VLOOKUP. An Index Match packs the power of a Vlookup and Hlookup in one formula. You also do not need to know which number column/row the information is. Due to this, deleting columns/rows will not mess up the formula.
ExtJS advocates the use of firing of and listening for events between classes. By firing events and listening for fired events, classes require no 'dirty' knowledge of each others' class structure and prevent coupling code together. Additionally, events make it easy to listen to multiple instances o...
A summary of some of the basic touch/motion-handling systems in the Android API. ListenerDetailsonTouchListenerHandles single touches for buttons, surfaces and moreonTouchEventA listener that can be found in surfaces(e.g. SurfaceView). Does not need to be set like other listeners(e,g. onTouchLi...
The first example(a basic splash screen) is not the most efficient way to handle it. As such, it is basic splash screen.
I'm going to begin this with the process in Ubuntu, then in OS X and finally in Windows. I haven't tested it on all perl versions, but it should be a similar process. Use Perlbrew if you like to switch easily beween different versions of Perl. I want to state that this tutorial is about Perl in it...
This topic focuses on the use of the nltk.FreqDist() class.
Functions are pieces of code that can be executed by other functions of your program. Your program always starts with the main function. See also asynchronous functions. Methods are exactly the same as function, but they act on an object instance.
Reader provides functionality to pass a value along to each function. A helpful guide with some diagrams can be found here: http://adit.io/posts/2013-06-10-three-useful-monads.html
accumarray allows to aggregate items of an array in various ways, potentially applying some function to the items in the process. accumarray can be thought of as a lightweight reducer (see also: Introduction to MapReduce ). This topic will contain common scenarios where accumarray is especially use...
OpenGL ES is a graphics library that iOS uses to do 3D rendering.
ActiveRecord Transactions are protective blocks where sequence of active record queries are only permanent if they can all succeed as one atomic action.
Docker is a very popular container solution being used widely for deploying code in production environments. It makes it easier to Manage and Scale web-applications and microservices. This document assumes that docker is installed and the daemon running. You can refer to Docker installation to...
The typedef and (since C++11) using keywords can be used to give a new name to an existing type. typedef type-specifier-seq init-declarator-list; attribute-specifier-seq typedef decl-specifier-seq init-declarator-list; // since C++11 using identifier attribute-specifier-seq(opt) = type-id; /...
See also Size of integral types.
Polymer Starter Kit is an excellent solution to start building Progressive Web Apps. It offers a responsive material design User Interface, Page Routing, Offline-first service. Polymer: Command for initiating polymer cli Polymer init: Presents a list of templates to choose to build your eleme...
Turbolinks is a javascript library that makes navigating your web application faster. When you follow a link, Turbolinks automatically fetches the page, swaps in its <body>, and merges its <head>, all without incurring the cost of a full page load. As a rails developer, you will li...

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