Tutorial by Topics: line

plot(Y) plot(Y,LineSpec) plot(X,Y) plot(X,Y,LineSpec) plot(X1,Y1, X2,Y2, ..., Xn,Yn) plot(X1,Y1,LineSpec1, X2,Y2,LineSpec2, ..., Xn,Yn,LineSpecn) plot(___, Name,Value) h = plot(___) ParameterDetailsXx-valuesYy-valuesLineSpecLine style, marker symbol, an...
lm(formula, data, subset, weights, na.action, method = "qr", model = TRUE, x = FALSE, y = FALSE, qr = TRUE, singular.ok = TRUE, contrasts = NULL, offset, ...) ParameterMeaningformulaa formula in Wilkinson-Rogers notation; response ~ ... where ... contains terms corresponding to v...
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) ParameterDetailsargcargument count - initialized to the number of space-separated arguments given to the program from the command-line as well as the program name itself.argvargument vector - initialized to an array of char-pointers (strings) containing the ...
Most command line tools rely on arguments passed to the program upon its execution. Instead of prompting for input, these programs expect data or specific flags (which become booleans) to be set. This allows both the user and other programs to run the Python file passing it data as it starts. This s...
const readline = require('readline') readline.close() readline.pause() readline.prompt([preserveCursor]) readline.question(query, callback) readline.resume() readline.setPrompt(prompt) readline.write(data[, key]) readline.clearLine(stream, dir) readline.clearScreenDown(stream) readline.c...
heroku pipelines:<install|create|promote>... A pipeline is a group of Heroku apps that share the same codebase. Apps in a pipeline are grouped into “review”, “development”, “staging”, and “production” stages representing different deployment steps in a continuous delivery workflow. ...
Inline expansion is a common optimization in compiled code that prioritized performance over binary size. It lets the compiler replace a function call with the actual body of the function; effectively copy/pasting code from one place to another at compile time. Since the call site is expanded to j...
AttributeDescriptionx1Horizontal position of start of line.y1Vertical position of start of line.x2Horizontal position of end of line.y2Vertical position of end of line.strokeColor of line.stroke-widthWidth of line.stroke-opacityOpacity of line.stroke-dasharrayDash pattern for the linestroke-linecap...
ParameterDetails/versionThe version to retrieve. View remarks./allForces all files to be retrieved, not just those that are out-of-date./overwriteOverwrites writable files that are not checked out/forceCombines /all and /overwrite/previewDisplays what would occur, without actually performing the Ge...
This meta post is similar to the python version http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/python/394/meta-documentation-guidelines#t=201607240058406359521. Please make edit suggestions, and comment on those (in lieu of proper comments), so we can flesh out/iterate on these suggestions :)
Further Appcache Research http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/indexeddb/todo/ http://grinninggecko.com/2011/04/22/increasing-chromes-offline-application-cache-storage-limit/ http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/offline/quota-research/ https://developers.google.com/chrome/apps/docs/develop...

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