Tutorial by Topics: on

d3.select(selector) d3.selectAll(selector) selection.select(selector) selection.selectAll(selector) selection.filter(filter) selection.merge(other) Related Readings: How Selections Work - Mike Bostock d3-selection README
While there are schools of thought which make compelling arguments why unconstrained use of Singletons is a bad idea, e.g. Singleton on gameprogrammingpatterns.com, there are occasions when you might want to persist a GameObject in Unity over multiple Scenes (e.g. for seamless background music) wh...
The Android build system compiles app resources and source code, and packages them into APKs that you can test, deploy, sign, and distribute. Android Studio uses Gradle, an advanced build toolkit, to automate and manage the build process, while allowing you to define flexible custom build configur...
A dictionary represents a collection of keys and values. See MSDN Dictionary(Tkey, TValue) Class.
The Singleton design pattern is sometimes regarded as "Anti pattern". This is due to the fact that it has some problems. You have to decide for yourself if you think it is appropriate to use it. This topic has been discussed several times on StackOverflow. See: http://stackoverflow.c...
This section provides an overview of what laravel-5.4 is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within laravel-5.4, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for laravel-5.4 is new, you may need to create initial versions of those ...
For loops are a flow control method for repeating a task or set of tasks over a domain. The core structure of a for loop is for ( [index] in [domain]){ [body] } Where [index] is a name takes exactly one value of [domain] over each iteration of the loop. [domain] is a vector of values ...
<calc()> = calc( <calc-sum> ) <calc-sum> = <calc-product> [ [ '+' | '-' ] <calc-product> ]* <calc-product> = <calc-value> [ '*' <calc-value> | '/' <number> ]* <calc-value> = <number> | <dimension> | <percentage> | ( ...
{Binding PropertyName} is equivalent to {Binding Path=PropertyName} {Binding Path=SomeProperty.SomeOtherProperty.YetAnotherProperty} {Binding Path=SomeListProperty[1]} ParameterDetailsPathSpecifies the path to bind to. If unspecified, binds to the DataContext itself.UpdateSourceTriggerSpec...
eval(expression[, globals=None[, locals=None]]) exec(object) exec(object, globals) exec(object, globals, locals) ArgumentDetailsexpressionThe expression code as a string, or a code objectobjectThe statement code as a string, or a code objectglobalsThe dictionary to use for global variable...

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