Tutorial by Topics: ui

The Angular UI Bootstrap gives you access to all the standard bootstrap icons in your AngularJS application. In the world of bootstrap these icons are normally referred to as glyphicons. Using these glyphicons wisely can quickly give your app a more polished look and can be a great way to dip your t...
Now you can define Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) process as code with Jenkins 2.0 for your projects in iOS 10. Activities like to build, test, code coverage, check style, reports, and notifications can be described in only one file. To read the complete article go to Pipeli...
Django is shipped with several views that require forms. These forms are, naturally, built-in. A good example are Authentication Built-in forms. This topic intends to bring documentation on how to work with these forms.
This is a simple example demonstrating how to create a drop down menu in the Active Sheet of your workbook by inserting a Combo Box Activex object in the sheet. You'll be able to insert one of five Jimi Hendrix songs in any activated cell of the sheet and be able to clear it, accordingly.
This document will take you through the steps to configure a Jenkins job that allows user to setup auto push on successful build.The push operation can be controlled by the user. User can choose if they want to perform the auto push operation on successful build or not.
This article give idea's about setup and installing Asp.Net core with visual studio code. Also create basic MVC template and debugging. Steps involved below... Step 1 - installing Visual studio code. Step 2 - Configuring .Net core and C#. Step 3 - Create Basic MVC Template. Step 4 - Execute and...
Sometimes the returned search results in a Mass Update isn't the same as the results in a standard search, this is due to some limitations in a Mass Update Search. An example of this is Rev Rec Journal entries. Therefore, the workaround for this was to get the data from the standard saved search and...
Inline editing allows users to very quickly modify and update the data for a particular record without having to load the entire record on a page, edit the form, then save the record. NetSuite developers have a corresponding functionality called submitFields. The submitFields functionality is provi...
Inspired by game development UIPheonix is a super easy, flexible, dynamic and highly scalable UI framework + concept for building reusable component/control-driven apps for macOS, iOS and tvOS. The same API apply for cross platform development! Think of it as using Lego blocks, you can use similar o...
The focus of this topic is basically cover most important aspects of UI testing. This post would be mostly beneficial for freshers since they get assignments to work on and many times it so happens that few of the important points are missed. Let's help the freshers by contributing to this topic :)...
This thread is focused on how to create a spring boot application with hibernate and thymyleaf template engine. Also check the Thymeleaf documentation
Arduino's Liquid Crystal Library is a library for controlling LCD displays compatible the Hitachi HD44780 driver, characterised by their 16 pin interface. The 16 pins might be connected via an I2C interface. These displays contain a matrix of 5x7 pixel blocks used to display characters or small mono...
pyautogui is a module used to control mouse and keyboard. This module is basically used to automate mouse click and keyboard press tasks. For the mouse, the coordinates of the screen (0,0) start from the top-left corner. If you are out of control, then quickly move the mouse cursor to top-left, it w...
This section provides an overview of what liquibase is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within liquibase, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for liquibase is new, you may need to create initial versions of those relate...
The focus of this section would be list out tools, design approaches and common challenges for any UI Automation effort.
UIKit Dynamics is a full real-world physics engine integrated into UIKit. It allows you to create interfaces that feel real by adding behaviors such as gravity, attachments, collision and forces. You define the physical traits that you would like your interface elements to adopt, and the dynamics en...
Custom build steps are useful to run custom targets in your project build or for easily copying files so you don't have to do it manually (maybe dlls?). Here I'll show you two examples, the first is for copying dlls (in particular Qt5 dlls) to your projects binary directory (either Debug or Release...

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