Tutorial by Examples: dse

Access the RecyclerView in the NavigationView and add ItemDecoration to it. NavigationView navigationView = (NavigationView) findViewById(R.id.nav_view); NavigationMenuView navMenuView = (NavigationMenuView) navigationView.getChildAt(0); navMenuView.addItemDecoration(new DividerItemDecoration(thi...
For BLE slave devices to do any useful work, the GPIOs of the wireless MCU are almost always involved. For instance, to read temperature from an external sensor, the ADC functionality of GPIO pins may be required. TI's CC2640 MCU features a maximum of 31 GPIOs, given different packaging types. In t...
Azure SQL Database has different editions and performance tiers. You can find version, edition (basic, standard, or premium), and service objective (S0,S1,P4,P11, etc.) of SQL Database that is running as a service in Azure using the following statements: select @@version SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX...
Options are used for adding capabilities such as "User-Agent". Example in C#: var options = new PhantomJSOptions(); options.AddAdditionalCapability("phantomjs.page.settings.userAgent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0&qu...
Regular expression support for tust is provided by the regex crate, add it to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] regex = "0.1" The main interface of the regex crate is regex::Regex: extern crate regex; use regex::Regex; fn main() { //"r" stands for "raw" str...
Either you just want to test out Umbraco CMS, or host your site in a cloud service, you could sign up for a free trial at umbraco.com/cloud. The site you develop in the cloud service could be downloaded for local development or your own hosting later.
[Service] # empty exec prevents error "docker.service has more than one ExecStart= setting, which is only allowed for Type=oneshot services. Refusing." ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --log-driver=syslog This enables syslog logging for the docker daemon. The file sho...
By default, PHP Curl supports GET and POST requests. It is possible to also send custom requests, such as DELETE, PUT or PATCH (or even non-standard methods) using the CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST parameter. $method = 'DELETE'; // Create a DELETE request $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT...
Add button Login as facebook account to your login view: Edit site/login.php in views folder, add theses line to content of page login: <?= yii\authclient\widgets\AuthChoice::widget([ 'baseAuthUrl' => ['site/auth'], 'popupMode' => false, ]) ?> Above, we set that aut...
// Assuming N/search is imported as `s` var mySalesOrderSearch = s.create({ type: 'salesorder' // Use the summary property of a Column to perform grouping/summarizing columns: [{ name: 'salesrep', summary: s.Summary.GROUP },{ name: 'internalid', ...
What is Dagger 2 ? The website describes itself as: Dagger is a fully static, compile-time dependency injection framework The library makes it easy to model dependency graphs as well as to reuse objects. Since reflection is only used at compile time as part of the annotation processing Dagger...
This is a simple RMI example with five Java classes and two packages, server and client. Server Package PersonListInterface.java public interface PersonListInterface extends Remote { /** * This interface is used by both client and server * @return List of Persons * @throws...
In your Maven project, add the following to your pom.xml file. The following versions are for Cassandra 3.x. <dependency> <groupId>com.datastax.cassandra</groupId> <artifactId>cassandra-driver-core</artifactId> <version>3.1.0</ve...
Nested serializers by default don't support create and update. To support this without duplicating DRF create/update logic, it is important to remove the nested data from validated_data before delegating to super: # an ordinary serializer class UserProfileSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): ...
Computed properties will automatically be recomputed whenever any data on which the computation depends changes. However, if you need to manually change a computed property, Vue allows you to create a setter method to do this: Template (from the basic example above): <div id="example"...
If mapping covariantly over only the first argument, or only the second argument, is desired, then first or second ought to be used (in lieu of bimap). first :: Bifunctor f => (a -> c) -> f a b -> f c b first f = bimap f id second :: Bifunctor f => (b -> d) -> f a b -> f...
Consider a basic class containing an object with getters and setters in Java: public class CountHolder { private int count = 0; public int getCount() { return count; } public void setCount(int c) { count = c; } } We can't access the count variable because it's private. But we can ac...
To use typescript with react in a node project, you must first have a project directory initialized with npm. To initialize the directory with npm init Installing via npm or yarn You can install React using npm by doing the following: npm install --save react react-dom Facebook released its ow...
Comparator cmp = [ compare:{ a, b -> a <=> b } ] as Comparator def col = [ 'aa', 'aa', 'nn', '00' ] SortedSet sorted = new TreeSet( cmp ) sorted.addAll col assert '[00, aa, nn]' == sorted.toString()
Install Atom. You can get atom from here Go to Atom settings (ctrl+,). Packages -> Install go-plus package (go-plus) After Installing go-plus in Atom: Get these dependencies using go get or another dependency manager: (open a console and run these commands) go get -u golang.org/x/...

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