Tutorial by Topics

Addons and modules are encouraged to be registered with Packagist which then means they are found and registered with the SilverStripe add-on repository Installation of modules is recommended through use of Composer
scope(exit) - statements are called no matter how the current block was exited scope(success) - statements are called when the current block was exited normally scope(failure) - statements are called when the current block was exited through exception throwing Using scope guards makes co...
module my.package; import my.package; import my.package : function; import fancyName = mypackage; import my.package : fancyFunctionName = function; Modules automatically provide a namespace scope for their contents. Modules superficially resemble classes, but differ in that: There's ...
Time.now Time.new([year], [month], [day], [hour], [min], [sec], [utc_offset])
This article assumes knowledge of Defer Basics For ordinary error handling, read the topic on error handling
This section provides an overview of what ibm-mobilefirst is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within ibm-mobilefirst, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for ibm-mobilefirst is new, you may need to create initial version...
OpenMP (Open MultiProcessing) is a parallel programming model based on compiler directives which allows application developers to incrementally add parallelism to their application codes. OpenMP API specification for parallel programming provides an application programming interface (API) that su...
for i in iter; ...; end while cond; ...; end break continue @parallel (op) for i in iter; ...; end @parallel for i in iter; ...; end @goto label @label label Whenever it makes code shorter and easier to read, consider using higher-order functions, such as map or filter, instead of lo...
if cond; body; end if cond; body; else; body; end if cond; body; elseif cond; body; else; end if cond; body; elseif cond; body; end cond ? iftrue : iffalse cond && iftrue cond || iffalse ifelse(cond, iftrue, iffalse) All conditional operators and functions involve using boole...
class ClassName(MainClass, Mixin1, Mixin2, ...): # Used to declare a class with the name ClassName, main (first) class MainClass, and mixins Mixin1, Mixin2, etc. class ClassName(Mixin1, MainClass, Mixin2, ...): # The 'main' class doesn't have to be the first class; there's really no difference be...
MySQLi is a PHP Extension which enables PHP to communicate with MySQL Databases. MySQLi comes built in with PHP. MySQLi was introduced with PHP 5.0. MySQLi is available in procedural & Object Oriented style. MySQLi supports CRUD queries, prepared statements,Multiple statements,Transaction and...
In object-oriented programming, objects often depend on other objects in order to do things. Dependency Injection (DI) is giving an object the things that it depends on so that it doesn't have to worry about getting them itself. That is, the dependencies are injected into the object. This is most...
Never use DDL or DML against tables created by dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table. Only use dbms_aqadm and dbms_aq to work with these tables. Oracle may make several supporting tables, indexes, etc that you will not be aware of. Manually running DDL or DML against the table may lead you to a sce...

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