Tutorial by Topics: o

Commits with Git provide accountability by attributing authors with changes to code. Git offers multiple features for the specificity and security of commits. This topic explains and demonstrates proper practices and procedures in committing with Git. git commit [flags] Parameter        ...
You can read more about extensions in The Swift Programming Language.
<init> (i.e. require ("pubnub")) Initialize an instance of PubNub to invoke operations. ParameterDetailspublish_keyString - your publish key from your PubNub Admin Dashboard accountsubscribe_keyString - your publish key from your PubNub Admin Dashboard account subscribe Subscri...
map(function, iterable[, *additional_iterables]) future_builtins.map(function, iterable[, *additional_iterables]) itertools.imap(function, iterable[, *additional_iterables]) ParameterDetailsfunctionfunction for mapping (must take as many parameters as there are iterables) (positional-only)...
Node.js is an event-based, non-blocking, asynchronous I/O framework that uses Google's V8 JavaScript engine. It is used for developing applications that make heavy use of the ability to run JavaScript both on the client, as well as on server side and therefore benefit from the re-usability of code...
value1 ** value2 pow(value1, value2[, value3]) value1.__pow__(value2[, value3]) value2.__rpow__(value1) operator.pow(value1, value2) operator.__pow__(value1, value2) math.pow(value1, value2) math.sqrt(value1) math.exp(value1) cmath.exp(value1) math.expm1(value1)
UNION keyword in SQL is used to combine to SELECT statement results with out any duplicate. In order to use UNION and combine results both SELECT statement should have same number of column with same data type in same order, but the length of column can be different. SELECT column_1 [, column_2 ]...
ParameterDetailsPARTITION BYThe field(s) that follows PARTITION BY is the one that the 'grouping' will be based on The OVER clause determines a windows or a subset of row within a query result set. A window function can be applied to set and compute a value for each row in the set. The OVER claus...
The Dropbox API allows developers to build Dropbox functionality directly into their apps. The API allows access to features such as file uploading, downloading, sharing, searching, and restoration. The API can be used across platforms such as Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or any other that ...
trap action sigspec... # Run "action" on a list of signals trap sigspec... # Omitting action resets traps for signals ParameterMeaning-pList currently installed traps-lList signal names and corresponding numbers The trap utility is a special shell built-in. It's defined in POSI...
In C, some expressions yield undefined behavior. The standard explicitly chooses to not define how a compiler should behave if it encounters such an expression. As a result, a compiler is free to do whatever it sees fit and may produce useful results, unexpected results, or even crash. Code that i...
Due to the flaws of rand(), many other default implementations have emerged over the years. Among those are: arc4random() (available on OS X and BSD) random() (available on Linux) drand48() (available on POSIX)
Integer Literals is a numeral without a decimal point for example 0, 1, 42, ... is implicitly applied to fromInteger which is part of the Num type class so it indeed has type Num a => a - that is it can have any type that is an instance of Num Fractional Literals is a numeral with a ...
Functions in Go provide organized, reusable code to perform a set of actions. Functions simplify the coding process, prevent redundant logic, and make code easier to follow. This topic describes the declaration and utilization of functions, arguments, parameters, return statements and scopes in Go. ...
In Go, concurrency is achieved through the use of goroutines, and communication between goroutines is usually done with channels. However, other means of synchronization, like mutexes and wait groups, are available, and should be used whenever they are more convenient than channels. go doWork(...
PorterDuff is described as a way of combining images as if they were "irregular shaped pieces of cardboard" overlayed on each other, as well as a scheme for blending the overlapping parts "Porter Duff" in itself is an alpha compositing technique named after a paper by Thoma...

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