have no builtin method for searching a value or key because dictionaries are unordered. You can create a function that gets the key (or keys) for a specified value:
def getKeysForValue(dictionary, value):
foundkeys = []
for keys in dictionary:
if dictionary[key] == value:
return foundkeys
This could also be written as an equivalent list comprehension:
def getKeysForValueComp(dictionary, value):
return [key for key in dictionary if dictionary[key] == value]
If you only care about one found key:
def getOneKeyForValue(dictionary, value):
return next(key for key in dictionary if dictionary[key] == value)
The first two functions will return a list
of all keys
that have the specified value:
adict = {'a': 10, 'b': 20, 'c': 10}
getKeysForValue(adict, 10) # ['c', 'a'] - order is random could as well be ['a', 'c']
getKeysForValueComp(adict, 10) # ['c', 'a'] - dito
getKeysForValueComp(adict, 20) # ['b']
getKeysForValueComp(adict, 25) # []
The other one will only return one key:
getOneKeyForValue(adict, 10) # 'c' - depending on the circumstances this could also be 'a'
getOneKeyForValue(adict, 20) # 'b'
and raise a StopIteration
if the value is not in the dict
getOneKeyForValue(adict, 25)