map() is a built-in function, which means that it is available everywhere without the need to use an 'import' statement. It is available everywhere just like print() If you look at Example 5 you will see that I had to use an import statement before I could use pretty print (import pprint). Thus pprint is not a built-in function
Series mapping
In this case each argument of the iterable is supplied as argument to the mapping function in ascending order. This arises when we have just one iterable to map and the mapping function requires a single argument.
Example 1
insects = ['fly', 'ant', 'beetle', 'cankerworm']
f = lambda x: x + ' is an insect'
print(list(map(f, insects))) # the function defined by f is executed on each item of the iterable insects
results in
['fly is an insect', 'ant is an insect', 'beetle is an insect', 'cankerworm is an insect']
Example 2
print(list(map(len, insects))) # the len function is executed each item in the insect list
results in
[3, 3, 6, 10]
Parallel mapping
In this case each argument of the mapping function is pulled from across all iterables (one from each iterable) in parallel. Thus the number of iterables supplied must match the number of arguments required by the function.
carnivores = ['lion', 'tiger', 'leopard', 'arctic fox']
herbivores = ['african buffalo', 'moose', 'okapi', 'parakeet']
omnivores = ['chicken', 'dove', 'mouse', 'pig']
def animals(w, x, y, z):
return '{0}, {1}, {2}, and {3} ARE ALL ANIMALS'.format(w.title(), x, y, z)
Example 3
# Too many arguments
# observe here that map is trying to pass one item each from each of the four iterables to len. This leads len to complain that
# it is being fed too many arguments
print(list(map(len, insects, carnivores, herbivores, omnivores)))
results in
TypeError: len() takes exactly one argument (4 given)
Example 4
# Too few arguments
# observe here that map is suppose to execute animal on individual elements of insects one-by-one. But animals complain when
# it only gets one argument, whereas it was expecting four.
print(list(map(animals, insects)))
results in
TypeError: animals() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'x', 'y', and 'z'
Example 5
# here map supplies w, x, y, z with one value from across the list
import pprint
pprint.pprint(list(map(animals, insects, carnivores, herbivores, omnivores)))
results in
['Fly, lion, african buffalo, and chicken ARE ALL ANIMALS',
'Ant, tiger, moose, and dove ARE ALL ANIMALS',
'Beetle, leopard, okapi, and mouse ARE ALL ANIMALS',
'Cankerworm, arctic fox, parakeet, and pig ARE ALL ANIMALS']