MayaVI is a 3D visualization tool for scientific data. It uses the Visualization Tool Kit or VTK under the hood. Using the power of VTK, MayaVI is capable of producing a variety of 3-Dimensional plots and figures. It is available as a separate software application and also as a library. Similar to Matplotlib, this library provides an object oriented programming language interface to create plots without having to know about VTK.
MayaVI is available only in Python 2.7x series! It is hoped to be available in Python 3-x series soon! (Although some success is noticed when using its dependencies in Python 3)
Documentation can be found here. Some gallery examples are found here
Here is a sample plot created using MayaVI from the documentation.
# Author: Gael Varoquaux <[email protected]>
# Copyright (c) 2007, Enthought, Inc.
# License: BSD Style.
from numpy import sin, cos, mgrid, pi, sqrt
from mayavi import mlab
mlab.figure(fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1))
u, v = mgrid[- 0.035:pi:0.01, - 0.035:pi:0.01]
X = 2 / 3. * (cos(u) * cos(2 * v)
+ sqrt(2) * sin(u) * cos(v)) * cos(u) / (sqrt(2) -
sin(2 * u) * sin(3 * v))
Y = 2 / 3. * (cos(u) * sin(2 * v) -
sqrt(2) * sin(u) * sin(v)) * cos(u) / (sqrt(2)
- sin(2 * u) * sin(3 * v))
Z = -sqrt(2) * cos(u) * cos(u) / (sqrt(2) - sin(2 * u) * sin(3 * v))
S = sin(u)
mlab.mesh(X, Y, Z, scalars=S, colormap='YlGnBu', )
# Nice view from the front
mlab.view(.0, - 5.0, 4)