Proxy object is often used to ensure guarded access to another object, which internal business logic we don't want to pollute with safety requirements.
Suppose we'd like to guarantee that only user of specific permissions can access resource.
Proxy definition: (it ensure that only users which actually can see reservations will be able to consumer reservation_service)
from datetime import date
from operator import attrgetter
class Proxy:
def __init__(self, current_user, reservation_service):
self.current_user = current_user
self.reservation_service = reservation_service
def highest_total_price_reservations(self, date_from, date_to, reservations_count):
if self.current_user.can_see_reservations:
return self.reservation_service.highest_total_price_reservations(
return []
#Models and ReservationService:
class Reservation:
def __init__(self, date, total_price): = date
self.total_price = total_price
class ReservationService:
def highest_total_price_reservations(self, date_from, date_to, reservations_count):
# normally it would be read from database/external service
reservations = [
Reservation(date(2014, 5, 15), 100),
Reservation(date(2017, 5, 15), 10),
Reservation(date(2017, 1, 15), 50)
filtered_reservations = [r for r in reservations if (date_from <= <= date_to)]
sorted_reservations = sorted(filtered_reservations, key=attrgetter('total_price'), reverse=True)
return sorted_reservations[0:reservations_count]
class User:
def __init__(self, can_see_reservations, name):
self.can_see_reservations = can_see_reservations = name
#Consumer service:
class StatsService:
def __init__(self, reservation_service):
self.reservation_service = reservation_service
def year_top_100_reservations_average_total_price(self, year):
reservations = self.reservation_service.highest_total_price_reservations(
date(year, 1, 1),
date(year, 12, 31),
if len(reservations) > 0:
total = sum(r.total_price for r in reservations)
return total / len(reservations)
return 0
def test(user, year):
reservations_service = Proxy(user, ReservationService())
stats_service = StatsService(reservations_service)
average_price = stats_service.year_top_100_reservations_average_total_price(year)
print("{0} will see: {1}".format(, average_price))
test(User(True, "John the Admin"), 2017)
test(User(False, "Guest"), 2017)
when access restrictions are changed.date_from
, date_to
, reservations_count
) with domain unrelated concepts (user permissions) in service.StatsService
) is free from permissions related logic as well