The most straightforward approach to optimizing is by executing less code. This approach usually gives a fixed speed-up without changing the time complexity of the code.
Even though this approach gives you a clear speedup, this will only give noticable improvements when the code is called a lot.
void func(const A *a); // Some random function
// useless memory allocation + deallocation for the instance
auto a1 = std::make_unique<A>();
// making use of a stack object prevents
auto a2 = A{};
From C++14, compilers are allowed to optimize this code to remove the allocation and matching deallocation.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<A>> lookup;
// Slow insertion/lookup
// Within this function, we will traverse twice through the map lookup an element
// and even a thirth time when it wasn't in
const A *lazyLookupSlow(const std::string &key) {
if (lookup.find(key) != lookup.cend())
lookup.emplace_back(key, std::make_unique<A>());
return lookup[key].get();
// Within this function, we will have the same noticeable effect as the slow variant while going at double speed as we only traverse once through the code
const A *lazyLookupSlow(const std::string &key) {
auto &value = lookup[key];
if (!value)
value = std::make_unique<A>();
return value.get();
A similar approach to this optimization can be used to implement a stable version of unique
std::vector<std::string> stableUnique(const std::vector<std::string> &v) {
std::vector<std::string> result;
std::set<std::string> checkUnique;
for (const auto &s : v) {
// As insert returns if the insertion was successful, we can deduce if the element was already in or not
// This prevents an insertion, which will traverse through the map for every unique element
// As a result we can almost gain 50% if v would not contain any duplicates
if (checkUnique.insert(s).second)
return result;
In the previous example, we already prevented lookups in the std::set, however the std::vector
still contains a growing algorithm, in which it will have to realloc
its storage. This can be prevented by first reserving for the right size.
std::vector<std::string> stableUnique(const std::vector<std::string> &v) {
std::vector<std::string> result;
// By reserving 'result', we can ensure that no copying or moving will be done in the vector
// as it will have capacity for the maximum number of elements we will be inserting
// If we make the assumption that no allocation occurs for size zero
// and allocating a large block of memory takes the same time as a small block of memory
// this will never slow down the program
// Side note: Compilers can even predict this and remove the checks the growing from the generated code
std::set<std::string> checkUnique;
for (const auto &s : v) {
// See example above
if (checkUnique.insert(s).second)
return result;