Java Native Access (JNA) is a community-developed library providing Java programs an easy access to native shared libraries (.dll
files on windows, .so
files on Unix ...)
Firstly, download the latest release of JNA and reference its jna.jar in your project's CLASSPATH.
Secondly, copy, compile and run the Java code below
For the purpose of this introduction, we suppose the native platform in use is Windows. If you're running on another platform simply replace the string
with the string"c"
in the code below.
The small Java program below will print a message on the console by calling the C printf
package jna.introduction;
import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
// We declare the printf function we need and the library containing it (msvcrt)...
public interface CRuntimeLibrary extends Library {
CRuntimeLibrary INSTANCE =
(CRuntimeLibrary) Native.loadLibrary("msvcrt", CRuntimeLibrary.class);
void printf(String format, Object... args);
package jna.introduction;
// Now we call the printf function...
public class MyFirstJNAProgram {
public static void main(String args[]) {
CRuntimeLibrary.INSTANCE.printf("Hello World from JNA !");
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