To encrypt data with a public key:
final Cipher rsa = Cipher.getInstance("RSA");
rsa.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keyPair.getPublic());
final byte[] result = rsa.doFinal();
System.out.println("Message: " + message);
System.out.println("Encrypted: " + DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(result));
Produces output similar to:
Message: Hello
Encrypted: 5641FBB9558ECFA9ED...
Note that when creating the Cipher
object, you have to specify a transformation that is compatible with the type of key being used. (See JCA Standard Algorithm Names for a list of supported transformations.). For RSA encryption data message.getBytes()
length must be smaller than the key size. See this SO Answer for detail.
To decrypt the data:
final Cipher rsa = Cipher.getInstance("RSA");
rsa.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keyPair.getPrivate());
final String result = new String(rsa.doFinal());
System.out.println("Decrypted: " + result);
Produces the following output:
Decrypted: Hello