A hexadecimal
number is a value in base-16.
There are 16 digits, 0-9
and the letters A-F
(case does not matter).
represent 10-16
An octal
number is a value in base-8, and uses the digits 0-7
A binary
number is a value in base-2, and uses the digits 0
and 1
All of these numbers result in the same value, 110
int dec = 110; // no prefix --> decimal literal
int bin = 0b1101110; // '0b' prefix --> binary literal
int oct = 0156; // '0' prefix --> octal literal
int hex = 0x6E; // '0x' prefix --> hexadecimal literal
Note that binary literal syntax was introduced in Java 7.
The octal literal can easily be a trap for semantic errors. If you define a leading '0'
to your decimal literals you will get the wrong value:
int a = 0100; // Instead of 100, a == 64